Did you know that you can convert pdf to word online without the need to download any software on your device? It is important that you know that. Word for iPad, Mac, and Word Online together with other Word on PCs older versions cannot open and then edit pdfs. If you want to edit PDF in the above, then you will need to first convert it into then Word format and then open the Word file that has been converted.
PDF to Word tools for conversion: Google drive, Acrobat and PDFpen
If you happen to have a copy of the Adobe acrobat which comes with some of the creative cloud and creative suite subscriptions, you can utilizes it in converting documents from pdf to word on your PC or Mac. It is a conversion which is quite high quality and in case your pdf document format includes pictures that have texts, it will ensure the text is OCR so that you can edit it also. You might also be able to do conversion of pdf documents in Google Drive.
You will also be in a position to use the online acrobat in converting and then using OCR pdfs, although it comes with a price. If you want the best pdf to word conversion, then the cost might be worth it. If you did scan a document and you require to convert it into a Word format, it is one of the man tools that has consistently have results that are usable
If you are utilizing a Mac and have a PDFPen copy, it can be able to export PDFs to the Word document as it comes with OCR. It includes a variety of acrobat great export and editing features, so it might be the best alternative options if you require to export pdfs to word frequently.
Nitro pdfs to word document format tool for conversion
Nitro is another god option when you are looking out for the web app. It is known to be a perfect match whether you are looking for a single conversion or you will be performing pdf to word conversions most of the times.
How to convert pdfs to word format using nitro
You will need to create an account then go on to upload the pdf that you want to convert direct from your dropbox, computer, Google Drive, or One Drive accounts. Then go ahead and click the button for convert to word.
After a small pause for it to do the conversion of the document, you can then download it, opening it in Word on your Mac or PC or in the Word online or in an alternative for word such as Google Docs or Pages.
How useful is the nitro for converting pdf to word format?
The pdf to word conversion by nitro is not as perfect if you compare it with the acrobat one, but it tends to be better as compared to the inbuilt Word. You will still have headings and footer styles brought over as in Word, but generally closer with the original document.