
Using Instagram as a digital marketing strategy


There are some 온라인 마케팅 대행사  that embrace Instagram as their platform for digital marketing. Instagram is known to represent one of the largest opportunities of driving engagement of brands with its audience target, thereby strengthening social media strategy. The platform has shown a great growth in more than 6 years and it has been a network that is destined to grow, generating an average of about 80 million photos daily.

That is not everything, from 2010, there have been:

  • Over 400 million users who are active representing 26% in the USA alone and 76% internationally
  • Over 40 billion photos that have been shared
  • Over 3.5 likes daily

Next generation of social media

If the Instagram happens not to be part of your strategy for digital marketing already, it could be time now as it will position well to benefit in the future. With a mobile use base of 100%, near half of the active users check the Instagram platform daily and most of the users being over 29 years.

The best way of starting an Instagram campaign

The social media is what builds the awareness and the extent on your network online. The benefits of using Instagram create a unique personal experience for your individual followers, which allow them to see not just an ad that is random, but an inside view of your company, service or product.  You can take an example of a  company outing, a new product event, line, contests, special offers, or even an extensional of the business personality. Creativity is quite important but it requires strategy that is smart.

Start with the right tools

Thankfully, it is not all the experience on social media has to be managed using mobile, there are other great tools like Webstagram and iconosquare at reach. To create experience which is easier like follow, comment and respond, they might help a business in making the most of their time.

The strategy of a hash tag

When you start a campaign, there is a need of inviting your potential and current users by use of hash tag so that they might be able to share the experience with other followers who follow you. The great interaction is recommended so that once there is a strong community which has been established, it makes an effort of interacting and following you back.

Hash tag has the capability of increasing the likelihood of being found when searches are conducted, but is worth to spend some quality time and research the type of hash tag that you should embrace. There is some unique hash tags which are specific to brand might not help a business to get discovered, but for popular hash tags, they are likely going to work.

Post at the correct time

Considering that the timeline which your post is made, it has a great impact on whether it will be seen or not.  It is recommended to do your posting towards the evening hours, that is, after working hours.

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